IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems
15–18 December 2024 // Assam, India // IIT Guwahati

Women In Engineering (WiE)

Download IEEE ANTS Women in Engineering (WIE) Mini Conference (PDF)

CALL FOR PAPERS: IEEE ANTS Women in Engineering (WIE)

15-18 December 2024
IIT Guwahati, Assam, India


WIE Chairs:

Sonali Chouhan, IIT Guwahati, India
Mydhili Nair, RVCE Bangalore, India
Nidhi Simmons, Queen’s University, Belfast, United Kingdom


Paper Submission: 01 August 2024 15 August 2024 (FIRM)

Acceptance Notification:  15 October 2024

Camera Ready Paper Due:  30 November 2024

EDAS Link to submit your papers:


Paper Submissions

To submit the paper to this track, the first author of the paper and the presenter (can be non-Ist author) must be a female. Authors of accepted papers are expected to physically come and present the paper. The Call for Papers for WIE Track is the same as the main conference theme and the papers should be submitted through WIE Track on EDAS. Authors can submit short (4 page) and regular (6 pages) papers on research and development focusing on (but not limited to) the following thrust areas:

Please refer to the main call for papers for the WiE track paper topics.


After review, all accepted and presented papers will appear in IEEE Xplore. One conference registration by the author covers three papers which are authored or co-authored by the author. The conference proceedings are indexed in SCOPUS and other major indexing platforms. IEEE ANTS 2024 will feature workshops, tutorials, and panel discussions, collocated with the main conference. IEEE ANTS will present BEST PAPER AWARDS for each track during the conference. Several travel grants are available for conference attendees and authors. The authors of the selected (accepted) papers will be invited to submit the extended versions of the papers to the special issues of Springer Nature's journals, namely, Wireless Personal Communications and Photonic Network Communications.

Please direct any questions to WIE Chairs Sonali Chouhan (, Mydhili Nair, () and Nidhi Simmons (


