IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems
15–18 December 2024 // Assam, India // IIT Guwahati

Call for Workshop Proposal


2024 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (IEEE ANTS 2024)

Dates: 15-18 December 2024
Location: IIT Guwahati, Assam, India
Theme: Bridging the World with Intelligent Communication



IEEE ANTS is a premier IEEE conference on advanced networking and telecommunications topics. IEEE ANTS is financially and technically supported by the IEEE Communications Society. The distinguishing characteristic of IEEE ANTS is the promotion of an intense dialogue between academics and industry to bridge the gap between academic research, industry initiatives, and governmental policies. This is fostered through panel discussions, keynotes, invited talks, and industry exhibits, where academia is exposed to state-of-the-practice and results from trials and interoperability experiments. The industry, in turn, benefits from exposure to leading-edge research as well as an opportunity to communicate and collaborate with academic researchers regarding practical problems.

Workshops will be held in conjunction with the IEEE ANTS 2024 main conference. The intent of the workshops is to cover specialized topics through a combination of regular papers, panel discussions, keynotes, conference white papers, panel discussions, and possibly poster presentations. For this year, proposals are solicited which are aligned with the theme of the conference “Bridging the World with Intelligent Communication”. Therefore, to make the workshops more relevant, emerging topics will be emphasized. Workshops should highlight current topics related to technical and business issues that encourage the active participation of students, academia, government and industry professionals. In the proposed workshop, along with invited talks from distinguished scientists working in related fields, technical paper sessions will be included. Authors who are willing to be workshop organizers should submit a proposal (max 3 pages), clearly indicating: the motivation of the workshop, the format (i.e., duration of presentations, number of expected presentations, whether there is a discussion or joint Q&A session) and whether the proposal is for a full day (6 hours) or half day (3 hours). If the proposal is successful, the workshop organizers will be required to set up the call for papers and organize reviews and workshop paper acceptance.


The proposal should include the following information (within a maximum of three pages):

  • Workshop title  
  • Length of the session (3 hours or 6 hours)  
  • Name(s) of workshop organizer(s)  
  • Email of the contact person  
  • A brief biography (no more than 200 words per person) of the organizer(s)  
  • Brief description of the workshop, including abstract, scope, outline, importance, and timeliness  
  • Planned format of the session, including projected number of paper presentations, invited presentations/keynotes, and/or panels within the given timeframe if any  
  • Potential participants, including program committee members and invited speakers  
  • Related topics  
  • Prior history of past editions of the session, if any, including the number of submitted and accepted papers, the number of attendees, etc.  
  • A draft of the Call for Papers  

Accepted papers must follow IEEE academic best practices regarding peer reviews and paper publication. The papers submitted to the workshops will be reviewed and aligned with the same criteria of the main tracks according to the overall framework set out by the IEEE ANTS'24 Technical Program Committee. Accepted and presented papers will be added to IEEE Xplore and the conference proceedings.


The workshop proposal should be submitted as a single PDF file online via EDAS



Workshop Proposal Submission: 15 June, 2024
Workshop Proposal Acceptance Notification: Rolling Basis


Subhankar Dhar, San Jose State University, USA –  

Shrinivas Petale, GWU/Meta, USA – 
