IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems
15–18 December 2024 // Assam, India // IIT Guwahati

Submission Guidelines

Submission Guidelines

Please follow the camera-ready paper submission guidelines to submit your final manuscripts through EDAS for publication.



Prospective authors are invited to submit original technical papers for publication in the IEEE ANTS 2024 Conference Proceedings and for presentation at the Conference.

Authors must submit their manuscripts using EDAS on or before the deadline. All manuscripts will be double-blind reviewed for technical content and scope by a technical program committee. If you are new to EDAS, please visit this page

Please note that IEEE ANTS 2024 will follow a double-blind review process. All submitted papers will be judged based on their quality, presentation, and relevance through a double-blind review process, where the identities of the authors are withheld from the reviewers. Therefore, the authors are required to preserve the anonymity of submission while at the same time allowing the reader to fully grasp the context of related past work, including their own. Papers that do not conform with our double-blind submission policies will be rejected without review.

Several travel grants are available for conference attendees and authors. More details will be available soon.

Submit a Paper

Guidelines for preserving anonymity with double-blind submission:

  • Remove the names and affiliations of authors from the title page of the PDF file that you will submit for review. This information need to be included in the final camera ready manuscript if your paper gets accepted. During the review manuscript submission, you need to include all the author details only at the EDAS registration page. The PDF file of the review manuscript should not have the author information.
  • Remove acknowledgments of identifying names and funding sources from the PDF file that you will submit for review. This information can be included in the final camera ready manuscript if your paper gets accepted.
  • Remove project titles or names that can be used to trace back to the authors via a web search engine.
  • Use care in naming your files. Source file names (e.g., “Alice-n-Bob.dvi”) are often embedded in the final output as accessible comments.
  • Use care in referring to your previous works as related works. Do not omit references to provide anonymity, as this leaves the reviewer unable to grasp the context. Instead, you can reference your past work in the third person format, just like any other piece of related work by another author. For example, instead of “In a previous work [10], we have presented a data diffusion methodology …,” sentences in the spirit of “In a previous work [10], the authors have presented a data diffusion methodology …” should be used or “XYZ et al. [10] have presented a data diffusion methodology …”
  • Papers with the same title and abstract should not be posted on a public website, such as, or transmitted via public mailing lists.

During the initial manuscript submission process via EDAS, it is the author's responsibility to ensure that all the authors' names are included in the EDAS submission page, and NOT in the PDF file. In particular, the EDAS registration page must include all co-authors, not just the submitting author. Failure to comply with this rule might result in your paper being withdrawn from the review process. Please be aware that the author list of an accepted paper cannot be changed in the final manuscript.

All submissions should be written in English with a maximum page length of SIX (6) printed pages for the regular paper track and FOUR (4) pages for the short paper track. Papers should be in PDF format, two columns, (minimum 10-point font) or greater and compliant with other IEEE ANTS manuscript guidelines.

Standard IEEE conference templates for LaTeX and Microsoft Word formats can be used to write technical papers and are found in Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings.

Please run the paper formatting check on EDAS yourself by clicking on the icon under the Check Format column in the Files row in the basic paper view page.

Papers exceeding page limits will not be accepted at EDAS, nor will they be reviewed at all.
All accepted and presented papers would be included in IEEE ANTS 2024 Conference Proceedings and digitally archived through IEEE Xplore (IEEE Xplore is Scopus and Google Scholar Indexed).

The authors of the selected (accepted) papers will be invited to submit the extended versions of the papers to the special issues of Springer Nature's journals, namely, Wireless Personal Communications and Photonic Network Communications.

Important IEEE Policy Announcement:

The IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference (including its removal from IEEE Xplore) if the paper is not presented at the conference.

Papers are reviewed on the basis that they do not contain plagiarized material and have not been submitted to any other conference at the same time (double submission). These matters are taken very seriously and the IEEE Communications society will take action against any author who engages in either practice. Follow these links to learn more: IEEE Policy on Plagiarism and IEEE Policy on Double Submission.

Submitted papers must be unpublished and not currently under review for any other publication. Authors of accepted papers will need to sign an IEEE copyright release form and present their paper at the conference.
