IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems
15–18 December 2024 // Assam, India // IIT Guwahati

Call for Demos & Exhibits


IEEE ANTS is a premier IEEE conference on advanced networking and telecommunications topics. IEEE ANTS 2024 will be held at the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Assam, India. This year the theme is “Bridging the World with Intelligent Communication.

IEEE ANTS 2024 invites proposals for demos and exhibits. The track aims to provide a platform for an interactive form of presentation for innovative hardware/software prototypes. The researchers from industry/start-ups are invited to use this opportunity to show-case their new market-ready products/equipment. Researchers from academia whose research deals with interactive working systems are strongly encouraged to use this opportunity.

Who can Participate?

We invite researchers, start-ups, and corporates to showcase cutting-edge information technologies, prototypes, and applications. Every selected demo will be exhibited and given ample time for audience interactions.


Demos and exhibitions at IEEE ANTS 2024 are unique opportunities to demonstrate your technologies and applications to an international audience working in the next generation of technologies. To ensure you get the most out of the event, you are encouraged to:

  • Interact with experts
  • Showcase to industry partners, potential recruits, and potential investors
  • Showcase to government agencies

Exhibit Space

The exhibit space will provide a booth that can be used to demonstrate the innovative implementation of a working system. The prospective system could be a hardware prototype or interactive software. Each booth will have a table with a power plug and a stand. The presenter is responsible for transporting the equipment setup to the site and displaying the required posters/ flyers. Please clearly indicate the special requirements to the Demo & Exhibit Chairs.

Awards in this Category

The demos and exhibits that are selected will be showcased by the authors during the conference wherein they will be judged by a panel of experts from academia and industry. The best demo/exhibit will be selected for an award that will be given during the closing ceremony of the conference. The authors of all selected demos/exhibits will be given participation certificates.

Submission Guidelines

Interested researchers, startups, and corporates can submit a 1-page extended demo abstract that captures the problem's motivation, the solution approach, results (if any), and a brief description of the technology demonstration. Submissions should outline the setup requirements and the technology/use case to be demonstrated. The abstracts of the accepted demos will appear in the conference schedule and booklet. It is mandatory for at least one author of the accepted proposal to be present for the demo/exhibit.

Please note the following points in relation to the Exhibit & Demo track:

        1. It is mandatory to upload the abstract as a PDF document on the EDAS submission portal. Submissions without a manuscript will not be processed further.

        2. Submissions to the Demo & Exhibit track must involve a working model that can be exhibited at the conference, if selected. Theoretical and numerical simulation models and results are not sufficient for this track, and such submissions will not be accepted.

        3. Authors need not register at the full author rate. However, each accepted demo/exhibit must have a valid registration (e.g. one-day registration) based on the author category. The presenting author must be present in-person for the demo/exhibit.

       4. Authors with accepted papers in other tracks (main track, workshops, WIE, ERF etc.) can also exhibit their work under the Demo & Exhibit track if their accepted paper involves a working model. Please contact the Exhibit & Demo chairs for further information.



Abstract Submission: 01 August 2024 31 August 2024
Notification: 30 September 2024


Please submit your proposals through EDAS link given below.

For any questions or clarifications, please contact the Exhibit and Demo Chairs:

  1. Rishu Raj, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland –
  2. Chiranjib Sur, IIT Guwahati, India –
